Now Enrolling for FREE Fall Pre-K Counts Preschool!

Voted Best Preschool & Childcare 2022, 2023, 2024
All meals and snacks are included!​

​1-2 Year Old Toddler Class
In our toddler room, we focus on grasping and fine motor, gross motor movement, color, letter and number recognition. We have daily outdoor play exploration, and encourage the children to explore with their senses in the classroom. We have age appropriate toys and furnishings for their size, as well as a bathroom in the classroom for potty training. We offer centers within the classroom that consist of block play, dramatic play, library center, sensory table, science, gross motor, art exploration and math. Our daily schedule is visually posted in the classroom, so children may become familiar with their day.
When children turn 3, they are transitioned into our preschool class, so they may become familiar and comfortable with their new surroundings.
​3-5 Year Old Preschool Classroom
Our preschool class uses the Creative Curriculum, a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills. Our classroom is made up of centers such as dramatic play, block, library, computer, gross motor, manipulative, art, writing, science and sensory table. This age focuses more on listening comprehension, following directions, name writing, literacy awareness and kindergarten prep.
Our preschool teachers serve on the kindergarten transition teams with local school districts, to provide a smooth and comfortable transition to kindergarten.
Pre-K Counts Preschool Classroom
The Pre-K Counts program offers free preschool to students and families that qualify by age and income! This class is Monday-Friday from 9:00am-2:00pm, 180 school year.
School Age
Our center serves as a bus stop for Fort Allen Elementary and Harrold Middle School.
We offer wrap around care before and after school. The students are escorted onto the bus in the morning, and off the bus in the afternoon by a staff member. We are also here on days when school is not in session for in-service, as well as delays or early dismissals.
In the summer when school is not in session, we also have a full day summer program!